Availability, Appointments & Fees
I am available for appointments outside standard office hours, Monday to Thursday, including early mornings and evenings. (excluding Bank Holidays).
Please make appointments by telephone, I do not arrange appointments via email as I feel it is important to make that initial contact on a more personal level before we meet. If I am unavailable when you call I will ring you back as soon as I am free.
I understand the difficulties of finding time to fit in your therapy around work and taking time off may be difficult as is finding time if you work shifts.
If you travel regularly, live too far away from my practice location or simply choose to have sessions this way, I offer telephone and online (Zoom) counselling appointments for individuals and online appointments for couples.
I am unable to offer online or telephone appointments for Hypnotherapy.
Once you have made the decision to engage in therapy, we will agree a specific day or days and time, that will remain a fixed appointment. This is your time and cannot be given to anyone else.
If you work shifts, you will have agreed shift patterns with your employer and we can negotiate how to accommodate these changes in order to maintain regular appointments.
Fees and T&C
Standard Fees:
Individual Counselling/Psychotherapy. In person, online or telephone.
60 minutes £60
Couples Counselling. In person or online.
75 minutes £80
Hypnotherapy. In person £60
Both individuals and couples will agree a client contract which sets out terms and conditions for our therapeutic work together. See Client contracts including T&C on PDF below.
Psychotherapy, Counselling and Hypnotherapy Contracts T&C