Patricia Broadhurst Therapy Psychotherapist, Counsellor and Hypnotherapist
Wigan, Greater Manchester, Lancashire, UK

What can Hypnotherapy help with?

Hypnotherapy addresses the unconscious and can change your 'inner critic' that is the negative beliefs you may hold about yourself which are not the true you. It is also very effective in dealing with fears and phobias many of which are not naturally within us but have developed from upbringing and life experiences which are now negatively impacting
on your enjoyment of life.

Can it cure my depression?

The causes of depression are unique to each person.
Hypnotherapy can help with depression by helping you to improve self esteem, confidence and how you see yourself. However for people who are depressed, it is important that you see your GP as you may have a condition that requires input from a medical professional which may be used in tandem with therapy. Please inform your G.P. that you are having therapy if you are having medical treatment for any conditions.

It is also important to understand that Hypnotherapy is not a 'Magic Wand' that can cure depression by itself, especially that which is long term. Depression is often the result of life events such as bereavement or loss, divorce, bad relationships or it may be something you have been living with for a long time and may not even know what triggered it.
Psychotherapy is often more appropriate when dealing with depression in order to get to the root cause of it and to work through past issues that have made you feel the way you do. People often choose Hypnotherapy with a view to making changes but are perhaps initially afraid of working on buried feelings that may be too painful or if they are not yet consciously ready to make changes. Hypnotherapy can help you to relax, feel more confident and open to talking about things.

Talking therapies can also be very effective when used in conjunction with input from medical practitioners and you should inform your GP when undertaking any other therapy such as Counselling or Hypnotherapy as well as informing your therapist if you are taking medication.

This is most important.

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